Effect of melatonin passive immunization on the follicle development and pituitary hormone of female ducks; 雌激素在卵泡发育过程中所起的作用,已经得到人们的普遍认可。
Although passive immunization now seems to hold the most promise, active immunization is not out of the running. 虽然目前看来是被动免疫最具潜力,但是主动免疫也不见得就此退出赛局。
No acute rejection occurred in the passive immunization group, and4 occurred in the control group. 被动免疫组所有患者均未出现急性排斥反应,对照组出现4例。
Active and passive immunization of animal's inhibin increased FSH levels in serum and enhanced ovulation rate. 主动和被动免疫抑制素,可提高动物体内FSH水平,使动物的排卵率升高。
The advantages of passive immunization against inhibin of ewes were economic, security and good effect. 制备高效抑制素抗体对羊进行被动免疫具有经济、安全、效果好等优点。
A passive immunization treatment developed by Elan Corporation has already advanced to phase II clinical trials. 伊蓝开发的一种被动免疫疗法,已进入第二阶段的临床试验。
The passive immunization of newboth calves was obtained by colostrums, but the influencing degree of the effect the heat stress on passive immunization of newboth calves is dimness. 新生犊牛通过初乳获得被动免疫,但是关于热应激对新生犊牛被动免疫的影响程度尚不清楚。
AIM: The specificity of egg yolk antibody IgY against cariogenic bacteria and the protracted time of the antibody were detected to find a new passive immunization method. 目的:从鸡蛋中提取特异性抗体IgY,并研究鸡蛋黄抗体免疫应答的持久性,以探索一种新的被动免疫防龋方法。方法:以变形链球菌GTF高表达株S。
The successful expression may provide a passive immunization drug for the Chikungunya disease. 结果与结论:在CHO细胞中成功表达了抗基孔肯亚病毒的嵌合抗体,为制备抗基孔肯亚病的被动免疫制剂奠定了良好的基础。
IgG-Hp oral arising from the effects of passive immunization is expected to make its application to various Federal health or food related stomach trouble of anti-bacterial immunization treatment. IgG-Hp口服所产生的被动免疫效果使得其有望应用于食品保健或各种Hp相关胃病的抗菌免疫治疗中。
Objective: To study the efficacy and possible mechanism of active and passive immunization during pregnancy in preventing intrauterine HBV infection. 目的:探讨孕妇主动与被动联合免疫乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)宫内感染的作用和机理。
The percent of the vaccine efficiency was 98% to the active immunization of the sow and 93% to the passive immunization of the piglets in the experimental farms. 试验场应用结果表明母猪保护率达98%,仔猪被动免疫保护达93%。
Study on the Effect of Passive Immunization of Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin Blocking the Maternal-infantile Vertical Transmission Action 孕妇乙肝免疫球蛋白被动免疫阻断乙肝病毒母婴传播的研究
Clinical Study of Preventing HBV Intrauterine Infection by Active and Passive Immunization of Pregnant Women 孕妇主动与被动联合免疫预防乙型肝炎病毒宫内感染的临床研究
The placenta HBV infection rate can be reduced by HBIG passive immunization of pregnant women. 注射HBIG可降低胎盘HBV感染率。
The results of active and passive immunization therapy demonstrated that SEB-M 23-immunized mice could resist SEB-N lethal challenge and mice were completely protected from SEB lethality by antisera from SEB-M 23-immunized mice. 主动免疫治疗和被动免疫治疗结果证明,SEB-M23蛋白免疫的小鼠能抵抗野生型SEB致死剂量的攻击,同时被动转移免疫小鼠的抗血清能保护接受致死剂量SEB-N的小鼠免于死亡。
Physiological Effects of Passive Immunization with Antisera to Adipocyte Membrane Protein on Piglets 脂肪细胞膜蛋白抗体被动免疫仔猪的生理效应
This paper reviewed the characteristic of somatostatin and the mechanism of affecting animal's growth and productivity, and address the current research status of somatostatin's inhibitor, SS gene engineering vaccine, SS active and passive immunization. 本文综述了生长抑素的特点及影响动物生长、生产性能的作用机理,并对其耗竭剂、基因工程疫苗及主、被动免疫的研究、应用状况进行了总结、分析。
Conclusion Passive immunization of fetus by injection to mother with HBsAg may prevent HBV intrauterine infection effectively. 结论经母亲对胎儿行被动免疫可有效预防HBV宫内感染。
Effect of passive immunization on Crucian carp against Aeromonas sobria 被动转移免疫在鲫感染温和气单胞菌中的作用
The Observation of Clinical Effect of Passive Immunization of HBIG Blocking the Hepatitis B Virus to the Maternal-Infantile Transimission Action HBIG阻断乙肝病毒母婴传播的临床疗效观察
The anti-influenza virus specific IgY was prepared through immunizing hens. After purification the IgY was delivered into mice through noise route and a passive immunization was obtained. 通过免疫鸡制备抗流感病毒特异性IgY,经纯化后,采用滴鼻途径给小鼠,使小鼠获得被动免疫。
Effects of Passive Immunization against Inhibin on Secretion of Follicle-Stimulating Hormone, Luteinizing Hormone, Progesterone, and Oestradiol in Mid-luteal Phase Goats 抑制素被动免疫对黄体中期山羊生殖激素分泌的影响
Progress in active and passive immunization against Somatostatin and its Gene 生长抑素主动和被动免疫及基因免疫研究进展
The effect of passive immunization against inhibin on ovulation rate and plasma estradiol and progesterone in rats 抑制素被动免疫对大鼠排卵率及血浆雌二醇与孕酮的影响
In recent years, passive immunization on prevention and treatment of avian influenza is one of hot-spot researches. 近两年来有关禽流感被动免疫预防和治疗的研究是禽流感研究的热点之一。
Compared with passive immunization, the characteristics of T and B cell immune response in active immunized EAMG were more consistent with human MG disease. So most of researches were still induced EAMG with active immunization. 但与被动免疫相比,主动免疫的EAMG其T、B细胞免疫反应特点更符合MG发病特点,所以大多数研究仍采用主动免疫来制备EAMG。